Icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor
Icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor

icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor

  • The Attack Speed multiplier snapshots for each Phantasm individually upon casting.
  • icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor

    Each tick is scaled by Attack Speed (sheet APS being a separate damage multiplier), making Pain Enhancer your strongest DPS gem by far in high density situations.Casting Spirit Barrage while you have 3 Phantasm s active will detonate the oldest one (with its accumulated damage).

    icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor

    Instead, they will accumulate that damage (as in: add up / remember what they would have done) and then release it in the final explosion at the end of the duration (with the extra damage multiplier).

  • With The Barber equipped, they will deal no damage while on the ground.
  • They last for 10 seconds, ticking once every 0.5 seconds.

  • Icy veins diablo 3 witch doctor